If you are interested in going with us on the Exchange to Moldova you should try to be at our first meeting October 7th at 7:00 pm. There will be another meeting November 11th but this first meeting is very important. We will meet at the home of George and Lynn Meyer, 9040 Windcove Ct. in Fair Oaks.
Please download the Ambassador Agreement, fill it out and email it to geowmeyer@gmail.com with a brief resume (or bring it to the meeting if you can't email). The resume will be forwarded to Moldova to see how many hosts we can get so don't forget that! We need these ASAP.
The approximate dates for the exchange week will be August 27th to September 4th 2016. The fees for the week of the exchange will be about $ 375 for everything.
As a group we will be exploring optional visits to other locations before or after the exchange.
Airfare on Turkish Airlines from LAX to Chisinau, Moldova (through Istanbul) are now ranging from $ 1,000 to $ 1,500 depending on the dates you travel.
Please RSVP the Meyers at 987-2426. Also, bring a dessert for 4 people (we will send home leftovers).