Holidays Around the World Party

  • December 10, 2017
  • 4:00 PM (PST)
  • 4006 Canonero Ct., Fair Oaks


Registration is closed

You are invited to the Friendship Force of Sacramento Holiday Party.  The theme this year is Holidays Around the World and you are encouraged (not required) to wear international holiday dress.  Please wear your name tags.

The party will be hosted by member Monika O'Brien in her home.  IMPORTANT:  Members/guests NEED to sign up online so you will get a parking pass.  Cars without passes will be ticketed!  Please register by December 4th.

The party is an appetizer and dessert potluck and the club will provide beer, wine, coffee and tea.

If your last name begins with A-I please bring a savory appetizer
If your last name begins with J-P please bring a veggie appetizer
If your last name begins with Q-Z please bring a sweet

If you would like to get a photo in front of the large tree in the entry, please bring your phone/camera.  Some of our very talented members will provide music for everyone to enjoy.  The craft table will be set up in case you have a few holiday gifts you need to purchase.

If you are interested in making a contribution to a good cause, World Relief has been selected because we have members working as a Good Neighbor Team.

Come and celebrate the holiday season together!  This is another great event to invite someone new to attend and meet some FF members.  Let's share the joy that comes with hosting and traveling together around the world!

Questions?  Contact Kathy Hart at

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