The FF Sacramento Shutterbugs is a group of Friendship Force members interested in learning more about photography. No matter your skill level or what camera (or phone) you use, this is the place to go if you'd like to make better photos.
We plan to meet twice per month at various times. To accommodate our working and retired members we'll have some meetings in the evenings and some in the afternoons.
At the meetings we'll discuss photography techniques that will be of interest no matter what you use to take your photos. We'll also break into smaller groups so members can share knowledge of specific cameras, phones, iPads, etc.
There will be non-scheduled times for members to join together and go on "photo shoots" so you can practice what you are learning.
The emphasis of FF Sacramento Shutterbugs is to learn tell tell our Friendship Force "stories". To document experiences, not just places. To learn more about the Friendship Force International Photo Clusters click here.
Hope to see you at one of our meetings!
FF Sacramento Shutterbugs