Our planning committee has been busy setting up a fun evening for you. The party will be at Patty Fitzgerald's neighborhood clubhouse in Folsom.
We'll start with a fun game to break the ice (it's a surprise) then have a nice dinner with Turkey, Ham, Scallop Potatoes, Vegetables, Green Salad and Rolls. There will be water, wine and non-alcoholic cider (if you'd like something else please byo).
After a brief presentation from our President we'll sing some Christmas Carols and enjoy some pie for dessert.
The cost for the evening is only $ 10 each so invite your friends to join you. We do need some help putting this on so helpers will only pay $ 5 each. We'll need help with pealing potatoes and prepping food, setup, parking vehicles, bartender and a song leader so choose where you can help when you register.
NOTE: Parking is limited so please car pool if possible. Click Here for a map of where to park.
PLEASE register before December 1st so we know how much food to purchase and cook.
Any questions? Call Chris at 916-712-6979 or email smithinsac@gmail.com