Saskatoon Canada Visits Sacramento

  • October 18, 2024
  • October 25, 2024
  • Various sites in the area

Saskatoon Canada Visits Sacramento

We will have 12 Ambassadors from Canada visit us in October 2024.  There are lots of activities that will occur during the week and we hope you will participate in as many as you can.

We'll need Home Hosts, Day Hosts, Dinner Hosts and party planners. If you can help with anything please call Chris Smith at 916-712-6979.

The TENTATIVE schedule for the week is below.  Mark your calendars and contact Chris if you'd like to join in on any of the activities.

Friday Oct 18 - Arrival

Spaghetti Factory Welcome Dinner

Saturday Oct 19

Lake Tahoe Day Tour (all day via individual vehicles)

Sunday Oct 20 

Unscheduled activities throughout the area

Home Hosted Dinners

Monday Oct 21

State Capitol and Stanford Mansion Tour

Old Town and Railroad Museum

Tuesday Oct 22

Marshall Gold Discovery Site

Placerville or Apple Hill

Home Hosted Dinners

Wednesday Oct 23

Unscheduled Day Activities

Thursday Oct 24

Farewell Party

Friday Oct 25

Departure to San Francisco

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