Journey to North Carolina

  • May 28, 2025
  • Raleigh North Carolina



Ready for some Southern Hospitality???  We are planning an exciting trip! 

Raleigh, NC:  May 28-June 3, 2025 (6 nights)

Join Friendship Force Sacramento on a late spring journey to Raleigh, NC. While all the following might not be on our journey, these are some activities on a typical journey. Ambassadors are introduced to the history of Raleigh on the Raleigh Trolley tour, followed by visits to other sites in the capital city. A docent-led tour will introduce you to the extensive exhibits at the NC Museum of Art and there should be time to also enjoy the Art Park. Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill make up the Research Triangle area, and a trip to Durham will likely highlight the gothic Duke Chapel, extensive Duke Gardens, and the repurposed American Tobacco Campus. If your interest is history, you will learn from a visit to Bennett Place where the final treaty was signed that ended the Civil War or to Stagville Plantation, the remains of one of the largest pre-Civil War plantations in the South and where the focus is on the lives of enslaved people. Another day you might travel east to see the whimsical Whirligig Park and take a trip back in time at the Ava Gardner Museum. Of course, our hosts will welcome us with local southern hospitality and look forward to sharing these experiences with us.

Winston-Salem (Central North Carolina Club: June 3-10, 2025 (7 nights)

Options for this journey have not yet been received but might include:

Tour of old Salem, museum and gardens.

Reynolda House Museum of American Art

Tanglewood Park

Tour of Duke University

Much more information to come

Important to know:

Both clubs have smaller memberships, 40-50.  Because of this, the number of ambassadors will be limited to no more than 12. If you are interested in going, send an email (or text) to the Ambassador Coordinator Helen Flach at  I will keep a list of those interested but this does not reserve your slot.  If you know you want to go, submit an application and send a check made out to FF Sacramento for $100 to Helen (4104 El Macero Dr, Davis CA 95618) to hold your spot; this is the only way a spot will be held.

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