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Open World delegation from Russia
March 01, 2014
March 08, 2014
Sacramento, CA
Sacramento Friendship Force has been asked to host an Open World delegation from Russia Mar 1-8, 2014. The delegation consists of 5 delegates, one facilitator and a translator.
Just what is Open World? Open World is an agency of the U.S. Congress with the mission to enhance understanding and capabilities for cooperation between the United States and the countries of Eurasia by developing a network of leaders in the region who have gained significant, firsthand exposure to America’s democratic, accountable government and its freemarket
With the theme for this exchange being Accountable Governance, our club will plan a comprehensive week visiting local, state and federal government officials, as well as local service organizations and the press. Some other activities could be roundtables at chambers of commerce, economic development corporations, and banks, site tours of public-private economic development projects, business incubators, and local businesses.
We will be hosting the delegates in our homes, organizing home hosted dinners and group activities in the evening. We need volunteers to organize these events as well. Open World will be paying for all transportation costs and lunches, but we need volunteers to organize this as well.
This should be a unique opportunity to interact with up and coming leaders from Russia, show them how our democracy works and learn about their experiences. To learn more about Open World, check out the website at
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