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Exchange to Chisinau, Moldova
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Gold & Silver Exchange 2014
Cleveland County, England 2013
Wessex, England Outbound 2013
Brazil and Baton Rouge Inbound 2013
Turkey Inbound 2013
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Sao Carlos, Brazil Outbound 2012
Itanheim Brazil Outbound 2012
Kiel Germany, Inbound 2011
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August 16, 2014
3:00 PM - 9:00 PM
10971 Olson Drive, Rancho Cordova.
31 registrants
Mystery Trip – $40.00
Registration is closed
Do you like puzzles? In order to work a puzzle, you have to fit all the pieces together. Join us for a cultural afternoon/evening that includes an international flair, a history tour and stories from the past all in our own backyard! And you will have a completed puzzle at the end of the evening. We look forward to having you join in on August 16th. Exact time and location to meet will be sent right before the event!
The cost will be $40 for each person and will include at least three stops, but it is a SECRET. You will receive more information in our newsletter as the event date gets closer. Susan Shambaugh 916 649-0806 and Mary Jane Nichols 916 457-6478 are the chairs of this event. This is the only General Meeting Activity for the month of August.
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